This was not the article meant for this column today. The original plan was to continue the theological analysis of Ramadan in continuation of last Friday’s article. But since the circumstances of life are not the same, the need to change gear becomes warranted here.
Yoruba Adage
An axiomatic Yoruba adage was rekindled last week when some self-seeking elements called Biafra agitators came forth with a fabricated quotation from no source and credited it to the first Premier of Northern Nigeria, Sir Ahmadu Bello. The deliberate fabrication was meant to be a justification for their evil agitation
in a restive inconsequential game of rebellion. The Yoruba adage goes thus: “Any slave that wants to illegally hijack a bequeathed estate (of an orphan) will surely want to fabricate a rootless history to justify his dubious but inordinate claim”.
The true manifestation of that adage cannot be better experienced at any other time in Nigeria than now. In a desperate effort by some incurably tribal political marauders claiming to be Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB) and their Igbo partners in arms named Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) to find reason for their rabid desire for secession, an historically injurious fabrication was hurriedly added to the existing cyber garbage with the
intent of forcing it down the throats of innocent Nigerians who are expected to consume the poison and swallow it hook line and sinker.
Tell us another
The fabricated lie credited to Ahmadu Bello is as follows: “The new nation called Nigeria should be an estate of our great grandfather Othman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We use the minorities in the north as willing tools and the south as a conquered territory and never allow them to rule over us and never allow them to have control over their future.”
Now, take a second cursory look at that quotation and any rational human being will ask rational question.
The statement was said to have been made as a by the late Northern Premier as a Christmas message to Northern Nigerian Christians on October 12, 1960. Haba! Why would a well-informed personality like Ahmadu Bello give a Christmas message in October when he knew that December was the time of Christmas in Nigeria? Even if he was not a politician, could he have presented such a recklessly venomous statement to his followers as a goodwill message? When blatant liars are fabricating lies, they hardly think of the situation of listeners or readers. What kind of Christmas message would a Premier of Ahmadu Bello give give in October when he knew that that Christmas season was invaraiably December in Nigeria? Were the Northern Nigerian Christians of the 1950s and 60s so idiotic that they could not understand the Premier’s message and distinguish the wheat from the chaff? What was their response to the message? Liars hardly think of the implications of their lies while fabricating them. These so-called Biafra agitators will need a new fabrication for the generation of their age bracket to justify their thoughtless claim. The fabricated one as become stale and unsellable.
Facts of history
“The truth has come and falsehood has vamoosed; surely, falsehood is meant to vamoose (in the presence of the truth)”. Q. 17: 81 History is like a phenomenal weather which all people of an area feel at once and which no individual or group can unilaterally alter by sheer whim. The more you try to alter it the more it firmly re-establishes itself. Whether it is interpreted and relayed positively or negatively, the fact remains that history is not anybody’s personal property and cannot be anybody’s monopoly. The dramatic personae in the amphitheatre of history are too many and too variant to be taken for granted. For instance, we know as a matter of historical fact that the Nigeria handed over to Nigerian politicians by the colonialists at independence was a loose federation of regional units. Each unit was constitutionally at liberty to grow according to the magnitude or limit of its economic resources.
We know, and we have not forgotten that the first shot at the Presidency of Nigeria in 1963 was taken by an Igbo man, Dr. Benjamin Nnamdi Azikiwe who occupied the office of Mr. President until January 15, 1966 when Nigeria’s first republic was forcefully terminated via an all Igbo planned military coup.
We know that the preparation for that coup had started in 1953 when a frontline Igbo politician allegedly expressed with delight, at a State banquet in Lagos, that “Ibos domination of Nigeria was a matter of time”.
We know that a part of that grand design was the sprouting of the people of Igbo origin to all parts of Nigeria in readiness for taking over when the time was ripe for the execution of the plan.
We know that the episode of 1954 election which gave victory to Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe in both the Eastern and Western regions and which would have made it possible for the Igbo people to rule the West in addition to the East was also part of that design.
But for the astute and political sagacity of Chief Obafemi Awolowo, who moved with alacrity to engineer cross-carpeting as a new political paradigm in Nigeria at that time to preempt the impending slavery of the Yoruba people to their Igbo counterparts surreptitiously, Yoruba people would have remained under the serfdom of Igbo economic and political hegemony till today in a winner takes all tango.
Further developments
Yet, we know that following the Igbo military coup of 1966 which saw people of other ethnic groups massacred, it was another Igbo man, Major-General Johnson Agyui-Ironsi who assumed office as Nigeria’s first Military President. Thus, an Igbo civilian was Nigeria’s first President who was succeeded by an Igbo military President. The agenda was to ensure that whatever political situation could become of Nigeria, an Igbo man was to be at the helm of affairs. And that was hurriedly as certained by a daring decree 34 of 1966 enacted by Ironsi to perpetuate his tribesmen in power. That decree obliterated all traces of federalism and turned Nigeria into a unitary form of government where power was to start flowing down to the regions from the centre which he manned.
Incidentally when Ironsi’s regime collapsed after six months in office, it was the Igbos who first coined the non-existent word ‘MARGINALISATION’ and cried to the world for rescue from the persecution of Hausa and Yoruba tribes of Nigeria. That cry of the owl remains on course till today. The truth is that Igbos of Nigeria can never be satisfied with any post other than that of the President.
They believe that Nigeria is made for them and others in the country are only to serve them.
The killing of Ahmadu Bello
One of the foremost political icons in Nigeria’s first republic and a patriarch of the political party called Northern People’s Congress (NPC), was Alhaji (Sir) Ahmadu Bello, the first and only Premier of Northern Nigeria. He became Premier of Northern Nigeria in 1954 through a popular election and was killed as Premier in January 1966 in a tribal/religious military coup plotted mainly by soldiers of Igbo extraction led by one Major Patrick Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogwu. The plotters had killed this icon in cold blood before looking for reasons to justify their heinous crime. The three reasons they later gave were corruption, tribalism and religious bigotry. It was a matter of calling a dog a bad name in order to hang it.
Premier Bello’s flanks
Among the four Premiers in Nigeria at that time, only Ahmadu Bello could not in any way be evidently linked to corruption. Unlike others who lived opulently, Ahmadu Bello was an ascetic personality who served his people patriotically without any blemish. He left only a small residential bungalow in his home town of Sokoto at the time of his death. Who else left such a flank? Sir Ahmadu Bello could also not be singularly accused of tribalism because tribalism was the basis of all the existing political parties of the time. No Premier from 1954 to 1966 could be exonerated from tribalism directly or indirectly. They were all guilty of it.
It can be recalled that certain tribal groups such as Ibiobio State Union (IBU), Ibo Federal Union (IFU) Egbe Omo Oduduwa (EOO) and ‘Jam’iyyar Al-Ummar Nigeriya ta Arewa’ translated as Northern Elements Progressive Association (NEPA) which later transformed into Northern Elements Progressive Union (NEPU) were all tribal socio-cultural organizations that metamorphosed into political parties. All those parties preceded ‘Jam’iyyar Mutane Arewa’ meaning Northern People’s Congress (NPC) to which Ahmadu Bello belonged. Many other ethnic-based political parties later emerged to broaden tribalism in Nigerian politics. If anything, Ahmadu Bello was the least tribally inclined Premier of his time. Why did his killers link him alone to tribalism?
His 1959 Christmas message
Of the four Premiers in Nigeria’s first republic, only Ahmadu Bello was bold and sincere enough to allay the fear of the minority groups in Northern Nigeria by making a public policy statement about his government’s stand concerning tribalism and religious bigotry. Here is an excerpt from what he said while sending a Christmas message to northern Christians in December and not October 1959 as fabricators want Nigerians to believe: “…We are people of many different races, tribes and religions, who are knit together by common history, common interests and common ideals.
Our diversity may be great but the things that unite us are stronger than the things that divide us. On an occasion like this, I always remind people about our firmly rooted policy on religious tolerance.
Families of all creeds and colour can rely on these assurances. We have no intention of favouring one religion at the expense of another.
Subject to overriding need to preserve law and order, it is our determination that everyone should have absolute liberty to practice his belief. It is befitting on this momentous day, on behalf of my ministers and myself, to send a special word of gratitude to all Christian missions”.
“Let me conclude this with a personal message. I extend my greetings to all our people who are Christians on this great feast day. Let us forget the difference in our religion and remember the common brotherhood before God, by dedicating ourselves afresh to the great tasks which lie before us….”
Any sensible reader who can compare and contrast the two speeches above will surely be able decipher the truth from the falsehood.
Years, after Ahmadu Bello’s unjustifiable assassination, some evil elements in the media, in active conspiracy with certain political demagogues went to fabricate another statement and credited it to the late Norther Premier as a justification for killing him. The concocted statement was culled from an unknown newspaper called ‘The Parrot’.
Truth and falsehood
The Premier’s Christmas message quoted above was made on Thursday, December 24, 1959 (the eve of Christmas) through a radio broadcast and it was published by all newspapers in the country including the vociferous ‘West African Pilot’ owned by Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe, the boisterous ‘Tribune’ owned by Chief Obafemi Awolowo, the clamorous ‘Daily Times’ jointly owned privately by certain prominent individuals at that time on Christmas Day. It was equally published by many other smaller newspapers in Nigeria. All those newspapers are identifiable in Nigeria’s media history even though most of them are now defunct.
On the other hand, the place and occasion of the fabricated statement credited to Ahmadu Bello was not indicated and cannot be traced in Nigeria’s newspaper history.
Evidence of fabrication
The first time any genuinely existing newspaper ever made reference to that fabricated statement was on November 13, 2002 (42 years after it was purportedly made. And ‘The Tribune’ newspaper that published it only claimed to have culled it from an online column published on October 24 2002 by a purported Yoruba Journalist (name withheld) who entitled it ‘the northern Agenda’. It can therefore be deduced that the statement was actually fabricated not in the 1960s but in October 2002, by the so-called columnist who credited it to a newspaper that never existed. The objective was to give it an undeserving credibility. What a country! What a people! What a shame! This is a typical case of an obvious mischief by heartless mischief makers just to fetch ephemeral fame and illegal income.
The belief was that once such a fabricated article appears on the internet and is ignorantly quoted by some inconsequential writers, it would automatically become a document of facts and authority. That is Nigeria for you.
The coup episode
January 15, 1966 was a Saturday like no other one in the history of Nigeria. It was on that day that the bitter seed which germinated and grew into the thorny tree that now feeds Nigerians with unpalatable political fruits was planted. The evil planting marked the beginning of an agonizing political voyage of destiny on which Nigerians embarked without a compass. Coming up in the sacred month of Ramadan, the day actually came to confirm the axiomatic thought of an Arab poet who once asserted in a couplet that: “Nights are heavily pregnant; they give birth to wonders in the days….”
The major casualties
The heartless rascals in Nigerian military who struck in the January 1966 coup to terminate a democratically elected government must have foreclosed the consequences of their criminal action. They killed virtually all the major key players in the then Nigerian politics except those of Igbo extraction and of course, some non-Igbo people who were then in prisons. The Prime Minister, Alhaji Sir Abubakar
Tafawa Balewa and the Minister of Finance, Chief Festus Okotie-Eboh were killed in Lagos. The Premier of Northern Nigeria, Sir Ahmadu Bello, was killed with his wife and some other people in Kaduna, the then Headquarters of Northern Nigeria. The Premier of Western Nigeria, Chief Samuel Ladoke Akintola was killed in Ibadan, the then Headquarters of the South Western Nigeria while some military top brass of non-Igbo extraction were killed in different military barracks across the country.
Except for Lt. Col. Arthur Unegbe (an Igbo military officer) who was killed for being too close to Maimalari and could not be trusted, no other Igbo man of note, politician or military, was killed in that coup. As a matter of fact, if there was any feeling of the coup in the Eastern Nigeria at all, it was that of victory and heroism. The top military officers who were killed in the senseless coup included: Brig. S. A. Ademulegun; Brig. Zakari Maimalari; Col. Kur Mohammed; Lt. Col. J. Y. Pam ; Col. S. A. Shodeinde; Lt. Col. Largema; Lt. Col. A. G. Unegbe; S/Lt. James Odu and a host of others.
Coup planners and executors
That overwhelming majority of the planners of that coup as well as its executors were of Igbo extraction could not have been a mere coincidence. It is particularly notable that the chief beneficiary of the coup (Major-General Johnson Aguiyi Ironsi) was also of Igbo extraction. Almost all the military appointments after the coup were
for men of Igbo extraction and none of these, except Hassan Katsina and Muhammadu Shuwa was a Muslim. How else could a coup be tribal and religious?
The post Biafra: The unchangeable history appeared first on The Nation Nigeria.