Time is an abstract phenomenon that cruises uninterruptedly along the line of destiny. Time is the natural abode in which history resides permanently.
The history of the past years is what forms the archive from which today’s generation is gathering the experience with which to build the archive of tomorrow. In a nutshell, there can be no history without time. But, ironically, time, itself, has no history.
“…Beware of a calamity that may afflict, not only the perpetrators of injustice amongst you, (but also, some innocent ones who may have no hands in the cause of that calamity) and, be warned that Allah’s retribution can be very severe….”
- 8:25.
The admonishing verse of the Qur’an quoted above had been repeatedly quoted in this column as a sound of warning. However, that warning has been consistently ignored by the successive rulers of Nigeria and those of some other African countries, most of who see no lesson to learn from the records of history. Incidentally, the nonchalant attitude to highly sensitive issues that can negatively affect the lives of the citizenry is not peculiar to Nigerian rulers. Just recently, a queer array of massive protests began to rent the air in some dozens of countries across global regions and became amazement for the governments of those countries. Among the countries so overwhelmed, for various reasons, were Guinea, Ivory Coast, Belarus, Chile, Hong Kong, Thailand, Haiti Lebanon, the United States of America, France, Iraq and a host of others. The whole scenario was like a voyage with any precise destination. Yet, the precise destination of that undefined voyage remains a matter of guess for the entire world.
History as a Teacher
History is an invisible teacher. It teaches the experience of the past to the inexperienced people of the present with a view to guarding them towards a safe future port by using the yacht of experience.
However, while some people perceive history as the best teacher because of its frequent warning against the vanity of human wishes and its encouragement for emulation of impeccable exemplariness, some others see it a bad teacher because it does not practically prevent people from falling into the quagmire of life.
From whatever angle it is observed, however, history remains the undisputable teacher of all teachers, which can be described anyhow, by anybody, depending on the side of the divide to which each observer belongs. Thus, for as long as human beings remain in existence, passing through the coast of history will never cease to serve as a lesson for man.
About a decade ago, Libya stood out as a special chimney from which a strange suffocating smoke of history began to ooz out into the firmaments of African and Middle East orbits. Citizens suddenly trooped out onto the streets for a spontaneous protest that was named ‘Arab Spring’. When it began, the immediate thought of most observers around the world was that such a fortuitous occurrence could quickly become a lesson from which other rulers would learn the act of constructive governance.
Of all the North African and Middle East countries engulfed in that turmoil perhaps the least expected to join the fray was Libya. And, that assertion would have automatically become an axiom if Muammar Gaddafi, the then 69 year old ruler of that country, had heeded the warning of an obvious premonition coming from the neighbouring Tunisia.
Meanwhile, there had been a general but erroneous belief about the trend of the foraging revolts in the Arab world, which culminated in sweeping the leadership across the core Arab countries and reduced those countries into mere rubles.
Contrary to sketchy media reports about the landmark tsunami that started just about a decade ago, what came to be known as ‘Arab Spring’ actually started in Egypt as far back as 1977. In that year, a sudden revolt broke out in Cairo, which was called ‘Egyptian Bread Riot’.
The two-day riot of January 18 and 19, 1977 was a spontaneous reaction, by hundreds of thousands of Egyptian peasants, to a mandate given to Egyptian government. That mandate, recommended by the World Bank and IMF, was to remove all subsidies on foodstuffs. And, based on that mandate, the then President, Anwar Sadat first reduced subsidy on all food stuffs starting with bread which price was increased by just one Piaster (an equivalence of one Nigerian Kobo) as a first step. That decision was generally received as the height of insensitivity, to the penurious plight of the masses of that time. Thus, within the twinkling of an eye, the city of Cairo was on fire. And, before the government could gather itself together to address the issue, that fire had turned into a furnace that required triple effort to quench.
By the time the dust finally settled, about 79 people had been shrouded for burial while over 800 others had become emergency patients in the casualty sections of many hospitals in the country. Eventually, the fortuitous riot came to an end only after the government officially announced the reversal of the obnoxious policy and the restoration of the removed subsidies. That unexpected incident only came to aggravate the general discontent in the land which had been engendered by the evident class dichotomy that finally led to the assassination of President Sadat three years later (1980).
From thence, the Egyptians became so conscious of their supposed role in governance that they could only conclude that the only language understandable to their government was violent revolt.
Another Riot
In 1986, barely six years after the death of Sadat and Hosni Mubarak’s assumption of office as President, another major riot broke out in Cairo.
On February 25, 1986, about 17,000 Egyptian conscripts of the Central Security Forces (CSF), otherwise known as Egyptian Para-military Force, staged a violent protest in and around Cairo city, properties, including two major Hotels, belonging to the government as well as the upper and the middle classes were torched indiscriminately. The riot which was allegedly caused by a apiral rumour that the government had decided to increase the then two-year compulsory national service to three years without any commensurate remuneration lasted only three days. But the official fatality figure that followed it was put at 107 while over 2,000 people were said to be terribly injured and hospitalised.
However, unlike Sadat who quickly reversed his foodstuff subsidy policy, the only lesson that Hosni Mubarak could learn from that experience was the use of force against the protesters. And, the result was unpalatable. Ever since, Egypt has become a delicate gun powder waiting to be ignited at anytime. The Egyptian revolution that later abruptly ended Mubarak’s 32-year old regime did not, therefore, come as a surprise to people who had been well familiar with that country’s political trend, since the 1970s. With the Egyptian experience, therefore, one would have expected other African and Middle East rulers to have learnt a lesson. But as a Yoruba adage goes,” a dog that would die in perdition will never respond to the guiding whistle of the hunter”.
Tunisian experience
In Tunisia, the protests leading to the flight of President Zainu l-Abidin Ben Ali to Saudi Arabia in January 2011 were instigated by the gruesomely symbolic suicide of one young man called Mohammed Bouazizi. The incident occurred on December 17, 2010. The 25-year-old University
Graduate had used his degree certificate as a collateral for obtaining a bank loan with which to venture into retailing some farm products. He decided to obtain the loan after realizing the futility of looking for white collar job in a country where about 14 per cent of the populace was painfully unemployed.
After obtaining the loan he quickly commenced his planned private retailing job. But less than a week after the commencement, his consignment of farm products was confiscated by government officials who claimed that he did not obtain official permit for selling farm products. The young man then concluded that his country didn’t need him anymore and, he decided to commit suicide by setting himself ablaze and died on his way to the hospital.
People’s immediate reaction to that incident was unimaginably spontaneous.
Violence erupted immediately across cities and towns as already aggrieved youths trooped to the streets and started burning whatever could be burnt and maiming whoever was suspected to be partly responsible. The government became so confused that the only option left was how to quench the furnace of violence.
By that time, the President tried to address some of the issues against which complaints were made. But then, it had become too late for such efforts to yield any sensible result. When the coming signals were no longer positive, President Zainul Abiden Bn Ali knew that the die had been cast and decided to flee the country thereby ending his 24-year-old regime with historic ignominy.
The case of the young man, Bouazizi, who set himself ablaze and was nationally pronounced a martyr as well as the father of the revolution was just an atom in the complex story of long term discontent in Tunisia.
There were many other cases of the like but three main factors can be said to be the immediate precipitates of the Tunisian revolution:
- Open day, audacious corruption
- Massive unemployment and
- Insensitive exhibition of affluence, with impunity, by government officials. Now, which of these is not being experienced in Nigeria of today?
Gaddafi’s reaction
While demonstrations were going on in Tunisia and Egypt, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s impression was that the Presidents of both countries were mere jellies with little political experience. It was far from his imagination that the surging political tsunami in those two Arab countries could come near Libya let alone consume him and his regime. Thus, after 42 years of unbridled despotism, Gaddafi reopened the film of Pharaoh’s history for the world to behold. Thus, like Saddam Hussein before him, he lost all that he had built for his country and for himself including his family.
The stories of the Tunisian, the Egyptian, and the Libyan revolutions, cannot be fully told in a one page weekly newspaper column like ‘The Message’. The vivid signal sent by those stories was that similar occurrences could subsequently be reenacted in some black African countries. But that signal was not seen.
In virtually all the Arab countries, education is free from the primary school to the university. There is no problem of electricity, water, roads, rail system, and housing. The only two areas in which the people of those countries had problem with their governments were those of unemployment that was causing hunger and lack of constitutional privilege to partake freely in the governance of their countries. And, for those two reasons, a political tsunami of an unimaginable measure ensued to sweep the length and breadth of North Africa and a part of the Middle East like a hurricane.
Morocco and Algeria
The Moroccan monarch and Algerian President were only lucky to have heeded the warning of that sweeping tsunami in time, thereby escaping its squeezing consequences. The lesson that the leaders of those two countries learned from the experiences of their colleagues was what quickly served them in good stead. Otherwise, they would have ended up like Sadam Hussein of Iraq or Muammar Gaddafi of Libya or Hosni Mubarak of Egypt.
The Nigerian Example
Here in Nigeria, where none of the above mentioned infrastructures is available despite the enormous material resources with which the country is naturally endowed, the rulers’ trade in stock since 1999 has been to ferry the scarce resources of the country illegally to some foreign countries either under the guise of searching for foreign investors or that of arms purchase. Rather than utilizing those resources to boost the general standard of living and thereby uplift the economic status of the country, the priority of our government officials has consistently been to squeeze the citizenry dry through the claim of a fictitious fuel subsidy and callous imposition of frivolous increase on the tariff of electricity even when it is evident that Nigeria has no stable electricity despite the so-called privatization of the power sector. For decades, children have been dropping out of schools; widows have shedding tears ceaselessly days and nights over self-survival; retired men and women have been fully rendered penurious at old age even as many of them have died unsung; farmers have been subjected to unwarranted siege for lack of roads through which to convey their farm products to markets. And, yet, even right now, despite the tense situation in the country, some Governors are trying to empty their State treasuries on building white elephant airports for themselves and their families. Or how many citizens in those States can afford to travel by air?
While the Tunisians became restive over 14 per cent unemployment figure about a decade ago, Nigerians are sadly grappling with about 62per cent of unemployment rate today even as the government keeps drumming the deceptive tune of becoming one of the 20 most economically viable countries in the world before 2030.
The warning here is for the doubting ‘Thomases’ who are still in the dream land in Nigeria and the rest of Africa to open their eyes and clearly see the vanity of human wishes in the cited Arab nations. Such tendentious talks as: “political tsunami can’t happen here in Nigeria” only belongs to parochial people who are still living in the primordial time.
To avoid becoming like flies drinking and dying in a bottle of wine, men of reason who are privileged to be in government had better learn from the experiences of others before some others begin to learn from their own experiences. The recent ‘ENDSARS’ saga is a signal that must serve as a warning for the wise.
Where you have people who are educated enough to know their rights; where you have people who are conscious of their common affinity; where you have people who believe in God and His capability to bring justice to an unjust nation, let no one think that such people can be exploited indefinitely. Those in power in Nigeria today who may still be thinking that they can live perpetually on injustice should remember that the likes of Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi and Hosni Mubarak never thought that nemesis could afflict their imperial offices one day. Their episodes are now part of archival history with which the fortress of the future can be formidably built.
Nigeria for instance
The current situation in Nigeria is by far worse than the relayed episodes in the Arab country a decade ago. Here is a country where corruption has graduated from a crime into a pride, and, both conscience and shame have taken a permanent flight thereby decimating the future for the generations yet unborn. Here is a country where all types of vices are tied to the aprons of ethnicity and religion while ministers and some criminal political merchants (masquerading in the cloak of religion) are audaciously stealing public funds and ferrying them to other countries for keep without expectation of any possible consequences. Here is a country where well known unremorseful criminals are shamelessly granted state pardon and rewarded with national honours at the expense of conscience and shame. Here is a country where the so-called privatization policy is being formulated not for the growth of national economy but for the benefit of the formulators who see themselves as the inheritors of the nation’s wealth. Here is a country where pseudo-clerics serve as suppliers of arms and ammunition even as brigands enjoy patronage of the Federal and State governments in their perpetration of atrocities. Here is a country where official insurgency against the citizenry is a political instrument for silencing voices of dissent and for self-perpetration in public offices.
When such vices as mentioned above are perpetrated in a society, religion is often seen as the last bastion of hope to which the populace look for solution. But when religion itself is portrayed as the haven of crimes what else remains as hope for the innocent few in that society?
To think that such crimes can be committed without nemesis is to live in a fool’s paradise. Therefore, let those in Nigeria who refuse to learn from ancient history try to learn from the recent one. To avert a combination of the wrath of the people with that of Allah, a change in the style of governance is now a sine qua non. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. God bless Nigeria!