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Trump’s tangle with Iran


By Femi Abbas


“Whoever deviates from My guidance will surely live a hanging life and he will be resurrected a blind person in the Hereafter…” Q.4:115



This article is an update of an earlier one published in this column on the same subject matter some time ago. The need for this update is warranted by the seeming diehard nature of the subject in question. And the current rapid frightening developments engendered in the Middle East by President Donald Trump of the United States are a confirmed justification for this update.


Today, ‘The Message’ column decides to migrate from the chronic insanity of Nigeria’s political/religious tempest, being elicited by some Nigerian satanic agents, to an implacable global imbroglio being bellicosely engineered by a disastrous American ‘Trump’ who is vigorously fanning the ember of an impending disastrous American war furnace with which to roast the world flesh and soul.

Perhaps through such a migration, a way of inhaling a breeze of peaceful atmosphere in Nigeria may be paved even if temporarily.


Trump’s Predating Venture

At the instance of an accidental American ‘demonic Fuhrer’ called Donald Trump, whose ancestral origin is Germany where a devilish Adolf Hitler ignited the World War II in 1939, another global war may soon be fortuitously inflamed, the consequences of which no mortal being may be able to predict with precision.

As a matter of fact, the agenda for this impending global war had been   clandestinely kept in the front burner of Trump’s administration since his assumption of office as American President in January 2016. And the agenda has been gathering such a demonic momentum that is capable of causing a global cataclysmic shudder signalling a dangerously swinging pendulum of unwarranted war.


Memory Lane

It will be recalled that since Trump manoeuvred his way surreptitiously to presidential power despite losing the US presidential election to Hilary Clinton by over three million votes in 2015, he has been restively engaged in multifarious tacit wars of attrition with virtually all continents of the world, including Europe, Asia, Africa and even South America directly or indirectly.

At least, the memory of his confrontation with the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-Un and his frequent vociferous altercations with the Chinese President, Xi Jinping as well as his diplomatic row with the French President, Emmanuel Macron and the Mexican President, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador are too many to forget so soon.

Also, the case of his unilateral declaration of Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel against the United Nation’s authentic resolution to the contrary remains fresh in the memory of the world.

his obnoxious position over the callous murder in cold blood of the Saudi Arabian born American journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, are citable in the catalogue of his crimes against humanity.


A Bull in the China Shop

Besides the above, it is historically unforgettable that in almost two and a half centuries of America’s post- independence existence, no President of that country has ever sacked and replaced as many of the Principal staff in the White House as Trump has done in less than three years.

Even his official declaration of the entire American media as an open enemy of his regime is enough attestation to this man’s draconian hallucination. All these have turned the US’ White House into a china shop occupied by a wild bull.


Assassination of Iranian General     

Last Friday, the cable network globally throbbed with breaking news revealing the assassination of an Iranian Army General, Qosem Soleimani, by the American forces at Baghdad airport in Iraq on the instruction of Donald Trump.

That heinous act has attracted a reprisal from Iran which commenced last Wednesday after the heroic burial of the late General. Such reprisal was the first by Iran against the Us since the faceoff between the countries began in 1979. It was a direct way of saying enough is enough.


A President’s Brigandage

A couple of years ago, Al-Jazeera Television reported the news of an American military drone that was fortuitously shot down by the Iranian National Guards on Iranian territory. That was the second time a dangerous accident of that nature occurred on Iranian territory within a decade.

It is on record that some years back, an American war plane strayed into the airspace of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the troops of the latter nation promptly shot it down. The incident occurred when Dr. Barak Obama was the President of the US.

And that incident looked like the climax of an American allegation that Iran was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction, especially, nuclear armaments. That disturbing development which dragged Iran to the United Nation’s Security Council for explanation further heightened the already existing tension between the US and Iran which had been on for decades.


Genesis of Faceoff

The genesis of the faceoff between the West and Iran actually took roots in the latter’s unexpected revolution of 1979 which caused a diplomatic row between the two geographical blocks. That row actually started in February 1979, when Iran jumped democratically onto the world stage with a fortuitous revolution that held the monarchs of the Arab States of the Gulf region spellbound.

The revolution was the climax of the struggle, in Iran, which began in 1963 between the oppressed people who were seeking emancipation from the shackles of proxy American imperialism and the implacable internal oppressors who wanted to keep that country’s innocent peasants in perpetual subservience to enable the country maintain the ugly status quo of the time.

It was the miraculous success of that revolution that altered the grand design of the Western powers for the Muslim world.


 Imam Khomeini’s Emergence as Iranian Leader

Following the relentless situation in Iran, which prompted   people’s liberation struggle that commenced in 1963 and culminated in a successful revolution in February 1979, the late Imam Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini emerged as the leader of the new Islamic Republic of Iran.

Unlike Mustafa Kemal Ataturk of Turkey, who subjected his country’s culture to that of the West at the expense of Islam in the 1920s, however, Imam Khomeini knew that the greatest virtue that could be lost in the life of man was culture. He knew that without a clear-cut culture a man couldn’t be better than a beast.

He knew that such values as law, education and religion, which guide man in his peregrinations on earth, are the attributes of culture. He knew that a nation, which subjects her culture to that of another nation has enslaved herself permanently to the caprices of the imitated nation.

Thus, Khomeini saw Islam, (the culture of over one billion Muslims in the world at that time), as the main target of the Western imperialists and decided to defend and protect it against the   grand design of the West.


The US Rescue Strategy

In the Iranian revolution melee, some Iranian students besieged the American Embassy in Tehran and held the staff therein hostage on allegation of destructive espionage. However, in a desperate move to rescue those staff, the Us deployed some war planes with the instruction to invade the new Islamic Republic and terminate the revolution if possible.

Thus, while some US F15 bomber jets deployed for that assignment were approaching Iran, the then American President Jimmy Carter engaged his country’s top pressmen in a media chat without giving any hint of the impending military operation in Iran.

The tactics was to divert the attention of the press and that of the public from the illegal Pentagon’s military expedition. But no sane person can ever fault the contents of the Qur’an. About 1400 years before that incident, a verse of the Qur’an had been revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) thus: “They (the unbelievers) schemed, and Allah schemed. Allah is the supreme schemer”. Q. 3:54.



Jimmy Carter’s thought was that by the time he would have finished addressing the pressmen the news would have reached him that America had successfully invaded Iran to restore imperialism by reinstating the Shah Pahlavi.

He had therefore intended to announce the news of his ‘great’ successful scheme to the press as the epilogue of his address briefing. And that would have served as his impetus for wining that year’s election for a second term in office. But, as Allah would have it, instead of the expected news, what he got was a shocker of his life.


How the Strategy Failed

Two of the F15 fighters deployed for the operation miraculously collided in the air just at the point of entering Iran and crashed with their contents, thereby consuming the lives of the 16 top Air Force officers on board while the other fighter jets had to turn back haven run into confusion.

When that devastating news reached Carter, it was too much for him to hide and it quickly became a public knowledge.

Thus, the mighty America failed woefully, with her technology, in circumstances she has never been able to analyse and explain convincingly. With that scheme, it became obvious that Jimmy Carter of the Democrat Party had dug his own political grave.

Of course, he lost the election to the cowboy turned Politician, (Ronald Reagan) of the Republican Party who succeeded him in office. For about 444 days (well over a year), 52 American diplomats held hostage in the American Embassy remained under the siege of the Iranian students. It took high-level diplomacy, through third party countries, to get them released much later.


Freezing of Iran’s Foreign Reserve

Despite getting her staff released through diplomacy, America still felt she was not yet done. She went ahead to freeze Iran’s foreign reserve of about $80 billion in addition to imposition of economic sanctions on that country with the intention of running that country’s economy aground.

The only Iran’s offence in that episode was to have been audacious enough to want to chart an independent political course that could liberate her citizens from the manacles of the Western imperialism championed by the US. Ever since, the relationship between America and Iran has remained icy.


The West’s Grand Design

The West’s grand design for the Muslim world through the Middle East was first expressed in 1902 by a British Prime Minister, Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman when he observed as follows:

“There are people who control spacious territories teeming with manifest and hidden resources.  They dominate the intersections of world routes. Their lands were the cradles of human civilizations and religions.

These people have one faith, one language and the same aspiration. No natural barriers can isolate them from one another….If, per chance, these people were to be unified into one state it would then take the fate of the world into its hands and separate Europe from the rest of the world.

Taking these considerations seriously, a foreign body should be planted in the heart of this nation to prevent the convergence of its wings in such a way that it could exhaust its powers in never- ending wars. It could also serve as a spring board for the West to gain its coveted objects”.


Emergence of Zionism

Sir Bannerman’s observation was in further pursuit of an earlier demand by an Austrian Jewish lawyer and Journalist, Theodor Herzl, the initiator and leader of the Zionist movement founded in 1879. In the euphoria of a chauvinist’s ambition, shortly after the establishment of the Zionist movement, Theodor Herzl, made a demand thus:

“Let sovereignty be granted us (the Jews) over a portion of the globe large enough to satisfy the rightful requirements of a nation. The rest, we shall manage by ourselves…”


Read Also: United States, Iran and the rest of the world


The Balfour Declaration

In response to the West’s clandestine agenda many decades after Herzl’s demand, another British Prime Minister, James Arthur Balfour, issued a devastatingly insensitive declaration that now bears his name in history. That seemingly conspiratorial declaration, which forcefully conceded a major chunk of Palestinian land to the Zionists as a home, became a thorny point in the serenity of the world.

Since then, the infamous Balfour declaration has put the Middle East in an incessant turmoil to the discomfort of the world’s peace and harmony. The declaration read partly as follows:

“His majesty’s Government views with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people and will use its best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this objective…. The rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country shall not be prejudiced by the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people”



To facilitate the implementation of that agenda effectively, some other Middle East countries had to be decapitated economically and politically by excision from them, some juicy chunks of their lands. Thus, Lebanon was excised from Syria and Kuwait from Iraq.

The strategy was to cause a dissention among the citizens of those countries with the intention of breaking the yoke of the Muslim unity which Bannerman had targeted in his infamous observation quoted above.


Escalation of Faceoff

Meanwhile, in reaction to the recent fortuitous encounter between Iran and the US as caused by the latter’s intrusion into Iran’s territory which led to Iran’s prompt military reaction, the US authorities said that the destination of the shot American military aircraft was Afghanistan and not Iran. They explained that the pilot of the   plane only accidentally lost control and strayed into Iranian territory.


Siege on British Embassy

Shortly before the above narrated incident, Some Iranian students had laid siege on the British Embassy, in Tehran, in protest against what they called an intolerable meddling by the then British Prime Minister, David Cameron’s government, into the internal affairs of Iran.

And in reaction to that siege, Britain quickly evacuated her diplomats in Tehran and sent the Iranian diplomats in London packing despite Iran’s official regret and apology over those students’ unauthorized action.



To further complicate the tension over that incident, the French government issued a 48 hour ultimatum to Iranian diplomats to quit France. That was done in solidarity with the British government in the spirit of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as well as European Union (EU).

From thence, things started to move so fast that it became difficult to predict what would happen next. Most diplomatic observers saw a similarity between those developments and the unexpected occurrences of the early 20th century that precipitated both World War I and World War II.



In reaction to the reoccurrence of the above incident a couple of years ago, the American ‘Fuhrer’, Donald Trump, said “Iran had made a big mistake for which she would pay heavily”. But when the world media pressed him to further explain what he meant by that statement, he simply asked them to wait and see what would happen next.

His argument was that Iran had no right to shoot down the American drone because that drone was operating at the international and not Iranian territory. However, a detailed show of the encounter by Al-Jazeera confirmed that the drone actually intruded into Iranian territory without the permission of the Iranian authorities.


Iran’ Nuclear Project

However, the relationship between America and Iran further deteriorated recently when the latter started a nuclear project with which to prop up her economy. America responded with a threat saying the United States would not tolerate any nuclear project in Iran because the latter could not be trusted with such a project.


The World’s Bull Dog

Only a fool will not know that the United Nations (UN), as presently constituted, is the bull dog of the US through which the latter barks randomly at the rest of the world.

But for the recent Iraqi episode that became regrettable for the self-appointed policeman of the world, and of course, the North Korean case, which has become a cancerous sore on the head of the US, another Gulf war would have either ensued or become imminent before now.


Secret of American Military Successes

The secret of America’s military successes in various parts of the world is neither in technological advancement as generally believed, nor military superiority per se. The failed rescue mission in Iran shortly after that country’s revolution has confirmed that.

It is a historical fact that the secret of America’s military successes in various wars around the world are rather due to her ability to cause dissension among some other nations and races.

Before now, Iran was never a prey to America’s direct military aggression, even when the Shah Pahlavi was in power, because that Gulf country has never played a fool dancing to the sour music of the predatory country called America in a seeming military market.


Sanction as a Weapon

Now, with a recent threat of invasion of Iran by Israel on the one hand and economic and political sanctions against that country by the US on the other, will history repeat itself? One fact has become clear about the US political trend since her withdrawal from her self-isolationism in 1945: The success of her internal politics has been invariably determined by her aggressive foreign policy.

Thus, many American Presidents have won or lost elections at home due to the foreign policy of the concerned President. And that is why most of America’s foreign aggressive postures are belligerently displayed in election years.

For instance the current audacious military bravado being displayed against Iran in Iraq by Trump is either to get public sympathy against an impending impeachment which he now faces or to get re-elected as the US President.

But with the current prevailing delicate situation at hand will this same US political tradition repeat itself? The days ahead ll answer this fundamental question as events continue to unfold.

But with the stern objection by Russia and tacit indifference by China to the use of suffocating economic sanctions against the people of Iran, the US may have to watch her steps very carefully especially when most European countries that are members of NATO remain aloof.

Iran is neither Iraq nor Afghanistan. The world cannot afford another global war now. And an American Trump should not attempt to plunge it into one by taking that Iran’s military capability for granted. A word is enough for the wise.


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